DeBelle Fleur Bouquet Collection - a bouquet of 16 shades of florals, from us to you!
About DeBelle Fleur Bouquet Collection: Immerse yourself in the winsome colors of nature with our Fleur Bouquet Collection. This collection features 16 exotic nail polish shades inspired by the beauty of flowers. From delicate pinks to vibrant wilds, each shade captures the essence of Mother Nature's most gorgeous creations.
Say Hello to Beautiful & Healthy Nails:
Achieve beautiful and healthy nails with DeBelle Gel Nail Polishes. Choose from over 120 trending nail shades in various textures, including glossy, pastels, glitters, chromes, and more.
Our exclusive Seaweed Extract Enriched nail polish formula, with its organic seaweed extract, prevents yellowing of nails and staining. Experience a high color payoff and a self-leveling no-UV gel formula that glides smoothly onto your tips.
DeBelle Dual Tone Gel Nail Lacquers - Mermaid Collection
DeBelle Gel Nail Lacquer Delicate Doris Add a touch of elegance with DeBelle’s Delicate Doris – a light baby pink nail polish infused with fine gold pigments. Ideal for creating soft, sophisticated looks for weddings and special events!
delicate doris:
DeBelle Gel Nail Lacquers Fleur Bouquet Collection Features:
- DeBelle Gel Nail Polish is a gel based, high-pigmentation formula which makes your nails look beautiful and bright. These are available in the latest trendy colors with both subtle and glossy finish.
- It has a flat wide brush which makes the application easy. The self-levelling formula of the nail polish is ideal for any newbie nail polish lover, for a perfect manicure/pedicure.
- Quantity: 8ml; Color: Delicate Doris; Item Form: Liquid; Package Content: 1 Gel Nail Lacquer Delicate Doris(Light Baby Pink with gold) DISCLAIMER: Slight colour variations may occur due to different screen resolution
- Non-UV gel Polish; Rich Color Pay-off; French Formula; Seaweed Enriched; Free from 21 toxic chemicals & Cruelty free nail polish
Long lasting Gel finish, Can be used for nail art (stamping, base for mirror finish, water marbling nail art)
Explore our Gel Nail Lacquers Range - Buy nail polish online in India
Additional Information:
- Marketed By: DeBelle Lifestyle Pvt Ltd, No 35/C Kengal Skanda Building Basaveshwaranagara Bangalore 560079 Karnataka
- Shelf Life: 36 months
- Dimensions: 3.2*3.2*6.5 cm
- Manufacturer: Fiabila India Pvt Ltd, Plot No. V-16 & V-17, M.I.D.C., Taloja Dist. -Raigad, 410208 Maharashtra License No: MH/104497
- Country of Origin: India
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